{% extends base_template %} {% load seahub_tags avatar_tags i18n %} {% load url from future %} {% block sub_title %}{% trans "History" %} - {% endblock %} {% block main_panel %}

{% blocktrans with repo_name=repo.props.name %}{{repo_name}} Modification History{% endblocktrans %}

{% if user_perm == 'rw' %}

{% trans "Tip: a snapshot will be generated after modification, which records the library state after the modification."%}

{% endif %} {% for commit in commits %} {% if commit.show %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% trans "Description"%} {% trans "Time" %} {% trans "Modifier"%} {% trans "Operations" %}
{{ commit.props.desc|translate_commit_desc }} {% if page_next or not forloop.last %} {% trans "Details"%} {% endif %} {{ commit.ctime|translate_seahub_time }} {% if commit.creator_name %} {% if not commit.second_parent_id %} {{ commit.creator_name|email2nickname }} {% else %} {% trans "None"%} {% endif %} {% else %} {% trans "Unknown"%} {% endif %} {% if user_perm == 'rw' %} {% if forloop.first and current_page == 1 %} {% trans "Current Version" %} {% else %} {% trans "View Snapshot" %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if current_page != 1 %} {% trans "Previous"%} {% endif %} {% if page_next %} {% trans "Next"%} {% endif %} {% if current_page != 1 or page_next %} | {% endif %} {% trans "Per page: "%} {% if per_page == 25 %} 25 {% else %} 25 {% endif %} {% if per_page == 50 %} 50 {% else %} 50 {% endif %} {% if per_page == 100 %} 100 {% else %} 100 {% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block extra_script %} {% endblock %}