{% load i18n %} var OfficePreviewer = function(repo_id, path, token, commit_id) { this.repo_id = repo_id; this.path = path; this.total_pages = null; // only non-null when viewing in shared links this.token = token; this.commit_id = commit_id; this.orig_page_width = null; this.orig_page_height = null; this.server_processed_pages = 0; this.current_loading_page = 1; this.iframes = []; this.FIT_TO_WIDTH = 850; // hardcoded in seafevents this.scale_ratio = 1; this.static_prefix = '{{ SITE_ROOT}}office-convert/static/{{ repo.id }}/' + this.commit_id + '{{ path|urlencode }}/'; this.page_status_url = function(page) { var params = { repo_id: repo_id, commit_id: this.commit_id, path: path, page: page }; if (this.token) { params['token'] = this.token; } return "{% url 'office_convert_query_status' %}?" + $.param(params); } this.page_content_url = function(page) { var url = this.static_prefix + page + '.page'; var params = {}; if (this.token) { params['token'] = token; } return params ? url + '?' + $.param(params) : url; } var url = window.location.href; var arr = url.split("/"); // need the current domain to post message to iframe (for zoom in/out) this.origin = arr[0] + "//" + arr[2]; }; OfficePreviewer.prototype.start = function() { this.check_page_status(); return this; }; OfficePreviewer.prototype.check_page_status = function() { var page = this.current_loading_page; if (this.server_processed_pages >= page) { this.load_page(page); return; } $.ajax({ context: this, url: this.page_status_url(page), cache: false, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { var status = data['status']; switch (status) { case 'PROCESSING': setTimeout($.proxy(this.check_page_status, this), 2000); break; case 'ERROR': if (page == 1) { var str = "{% trans "Document convertion failed." %}"; $('#file-view').html('

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