{% extends "home_base.html" %} {% load seahub_tags i18n %} {% block sub_title %}{% trans "Stars" %} - {% endblock %} {% block cur_stars %}tab-cur{% endblock %} {% block right_panel %}

{% trans "Starred" %}

{% if starred_files %} {% for sfile in starred_files %} {% endfor %}
{% trans "File Name" %} {% trans "Library" %} {% trans "Last Update" %}
{% trans {{ sfile.name }} {{ sfile.repo.name }} {{ sfile.last_modified|translate_seahub_time }}
{% else %}

{% trans "You don't have any starred files yet" %}

{% blocktrans %}You can star important files by clicking the "Star" button on file viewing page, and they will be listed here.{% endblocktrans %}

{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block extra_script %}{{block.super}} {% endblock %}